Thursday 16th January 2025

Wednesday, 9th January

Pathein Floating Market

Each morning we start off the classes with a short gathering together before they are divided into ability groups for classes. There has been a little movement between classes because as always, we lose some students (one came for only one day before she had to go back to class in Yangon) and gain some too. We have had at least five new students each day and we make a very quick judgement call as to which ability class they should join. Our gathering consists of some short messages or announcements and then a couple of games – often Corners, which can be adapted to overteach skills or introduce some aspect of English life: today the colours of the rainbow.

My heart is full as I go round the classes and see the fabulous buzz and the bursts of laughter as the young people work with Ahtutu’s team. We are so blessed! I did then manage to have a quick coffee with an important KMSS contact at G7 next door, to discuss future strategy with regard to projects and other plans. 😀

We seem to have reached a good balance of vegetarian and carnivorous dishes at lunch. They really feed us well.

In the afternoon the project groups worked hard, supported by the teaching team, to create mind-maps of what they are going to present on Friday. Most of the groups worked very well independently – the beauty of mixing the students up in terms of their language skills. Only one needed some support and we subsequently discovered that their Group C participants were missing for that afternoon.

The Napier team are delighted that the students have quickly realised that they must include just the right amount of information and most seem very motivated to work participatively.

We had Reading Club and Joan introduced a graphic version of Robinson Crusoe which the students who attended (far more than we had anticipated) thoroughly enjoyed.

We then headed to the Floating Market and for farewell drinks. Musician Lucy told me this afternoon that she has been given the huge opportunity of working with a contact to be interviewed at Myanmar Cele 7 – and, as she is going to fly home very early Sunday back to university in London, she took the difficult decision to leave the team and do this interview. I am very grateful to Marcellinus and Fr Henry for arranging transport for her back to Yangon with Fr Henry in his car as he heads off for a meeting. She got her friend, Myanmar Pop Giant Bunny Phyoe, to send this message to the groups preparing for their presentations – thank you, Lucy! We will miss you.
